Senior Residents Pilot Tech Training with Local High Schoolers
Over the past two months, 20 residents at Weinberg Place in Park Heights have embarked on an exciting intergenerational technology training pilot. The residents received Chromebooks through the Enoch Pratt Free Library in partnership with Baltimore City and the Maryland Office of Statewide Broadband. Weinberg Place’s Service Coordinator, Kesha Gordon-Brown, partnered with the iCARRe Foundation to connect residents with local high schoolers certified in technology education and training to help them learn how to use the devices. Over eight sessions, the students met with the residents to share computer basics, social media skills, security, and more. The students and residents appreciated the intergenerational connection. One student commented, “It’s really fun because I never had grandparents growing up.” We look forward to seeing this program grow and watching residents enjoy their new digital connectivity.