Making Dreams of Homeownership a Reality

August 13, 2020

CHAI promotes sustainable homeownership through homebuyer education, housing counseling, homeowner loans and grants. In addition, CHAI is now creating opportunities for families to realize the dream of homeownership by rehabilitating vacant homes and offering them for sale at an affordable rate. Renovations are now complete on a 5 bedroom single-family house on 2511 Ruscombe Lane... Read More

CHAI Welcomes Jenny Torres

August 11, 2020

Jenny Torres joined the CHAI team on Monday, August 3, as our Fallstaff Community Organizer. Jenny is fluent in Spanish, and recently earned her MSW with a specialization in Community Action & Social Policy from the University of Maryland. We are thrilled to have her on board to continue CHAI’s important work through the Fallstaff... Read More

CHAI Advocates for Housing

August 7, 2020

CHAI created its foreclosure prevention program in response to the economic crisis of 2009. As we face the current triple crisis of health, economics and equity, CHAI’s CEO, Lisa Budlow, has had the opportunity to advocate for critical housing services. On the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s Investment Connection Webcast, Ms. Budlow shared the way CHAI responds... Read More

CHAI Holds First Virtual Homebuyer Education Workshop

July 13, 2020

Over the past several months CHAI’s Homeownership team has continued to provide critical homeownership support to the community, including personalized counseling to prospective homebuyers and assisting homeowners seeking foreclosure prevention. Last week, CHAI held it’s very first virtual HUD-Certified Homebuyer Education workshop via Zoom. The 6-hour workshop, held over 2 evenings, taught homebuyers to apply for a mortgage, select a realtor... Read More

Help Shape Your Community by Taking the 2020 Census

July 13, 2020

Did you know that census data results affect federal funding for more than 100 programs, including school lunches, highway construction, and education? It directs the flow of billions of dollars into states and communities each year and determines how many seats in Congress each state gets. Baltimore City receives $18,000 in federal funding for every household member... Read More

Messages from Melissa Peters and Howard Sollins

June 16, 2020

As we bring FY20 to a close and embark on a new year of strengthening communities, CHAI would like to extend its deepest gratitude to Melissa Peters for her leadership. As we bring FY20 to a close and embark on a new year of strengthening communities, CHAI would like to extend its deepest gratitude to... Read More

CHAI Awarded INSPIRE Funding to Support Homeownership in Northwest Baltimore

June 16, 2020

CHAI is proud to partner with Park Heights Renaissance to increase homeownership opportunities and bring value to the Park Heights community through housing development. Our acquisition and rehabilitation program focuses on the neighborhoods surrounding Pimlico Elementary/Middle School and Arlington Elementary School. CHAI is excited to announce that we have been awarded $400,000 in INSPIRE funding... Read More

CHAI’s Continuing Commitment to Real Conversations

June 16, 2020

At CHAI, our values inspire us to create space for diverse community members to have real conversations. We know that now we have an important opportunity to take part in the inspiring momentum toward ending systemic racism. We intend to show up as a strong ally to the black community in every way we can.... Read More

A Message to Our Community

June 12, 2020

We are living in extraordinarily complex times. The feelings of this moment are hard and heavy – we feel sorrow and outrage, anger and fear, we feel worried and a bit lost. We understand parts of the long arc of American history that brings us to today. We struggle to make sense of what we... Read More

CHAI Organizes Food Distribution in Response to Community Need

May 31, 2020

CHAI has launched a weekly food distribution at Fallstaff Elementary Middle School. Collaborating with the Maryland Food Bank, Fallstaff Improvement Association, CASA of Maryland and The City of Baltimore, staff and volunteers are distributing about 130 30-pound boxes of shelf-stable pantry items to community members each Thursday at 10:00 a.m. For additional information, please contact Sherrell... Read More